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Transformative Healing Program

15+ Healing Methods in ONE Convenient Program!


Have you tried a particular therapy/modality that seemed to be working...

until your progress plateaued, or things started to get worse?

Are you constantly pushing & fighting yourself to move forward in life?

You may actually be re-traumatizing yourself!


There are 5 channels of awareness in the body.

Many therapies address only 1 or 2 channels,

causing you to relive your pain without any healing actually taking place.

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helps you

uncover your subconscious beliefs that sabotage you,

release the trapped energy that triggers you and controls your emotional reactions,

learn to listen to & trust your body and teach your body to trust you,

empower yourself,

plant and grow healing beliefs gradually to prevent body pushback,

and become your future self



Let's work together to bridge the gaps in your healing journey.


 Learn More... 

Wellness Coaching

Are you struggling with

-feeling stuck in the monotony of life?

-feeling held back by your current life situation?

-emotional and physical fatigue, or even exhaustion?

-finding motivation?

-finding time to "work on" yourself?

-feeling disconnected?


Are you being your authentic self or the version of you created to adapt to/survive your environment?


Let's work together to reconnect with your authentic self. The goal is to uncover the need(s) this current version of you is filling and find healthier ways to meet those needs. Let's get you back on your true path, to the life you were meant to live. We will create a plan to live that life daily and learn how to navigate roadblocks along the way. You were meant to shine; and you don't have to do it alone!


*Sessions include exploration of the mind, body, and spirit; regulating the nervous system, minimizing/eliminating stressors; and emotional regulation.

Letting Go of Unhealthy Attachments & Beliefs

One of the largest and most common obstacles to living our best lives is unhealthy emotional attachments.

Do you ever find yourself asking,

"Am I ____ enough?"

"Are they judging me?"

"Why don't they like me?"
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"


Are these thoughts holding you back in life or drowning you in a pool of emotions?


Acceptance, belonging, and purpose are actually primitive goals; they are a means of survival amongst mammals. Humans have evolved, but this primitive part of our brain will take over when we feel unsafe. Let's work together to find that safety and security within yourself. Define your Truth from your Soul rather than from the perceived judgment of others. Change the message you are sharing with your subconscious and the Universe so that you can let go of the ego's unhealthy attachments and live your best life.

Changing Behavioral Patterns & Breaking Cycles Through  Conscious Reframing & Subconscious Reprogramming

The subconscious is the part of the mind we do not willfully engage. It is our automatic way of thinking and responding. What we are told about ourselves and what we believe about ourselves shapes our subconscious and heavily impacts our lives. To change your perception of yourself and the world, to change the way you view and respond to life, you must change those automatic thoughts and reactions. Explore your subconscious, learn to identify subconscious thoughts and habits that are not serving you, and learn to reprogram them so that they are serving the health of your mind, body, and spirit. 

Interpersonal Relationship Coaching

Are you struggling with a relationship(s) in your life?

You cannot connect with others in a healthy way if you cannot connect with yourself.

You cannot attract healthy relationships and behaviors from others if you are not in alignment.

You cannot receive from others what you are not giving yourself.

Learn to identify underlying causes of these struggles, how to overcome them, and how to foster healthy relationships in all avenues of your life: from romantic, to family and friends, to coworkers. We will work together to uncover what the mirrors (aka people) in your life are telling you, heal your inner child, identify your needs, kindly and clearly communicate needs and set boundaries, and manifest the relationships you want. While it is ideal to have both parties working on themselves at the same time, it is not necessary. Positive changes can still be made with the efforts of one person. You can only control your behavior. Once you are able to show up to the relationship in the healthiest way, you will observe shifts.

*Keep in mind, the goal here is for you to have healthy relationships. This requires change. Some relationships may only need tweaks. Others may need complete transformation. Be mindful that a potential outcome may include redefining the role of this relationship and its presence in your life. We will work on this

*Individual, 1:1 Sessions without partner's involvement or

*Couple Sessions and 1:1 sessions with each partner as needed

Parenting Coaching

Are you struggling with

-yelling at your kids/family?

-emotionally regulating amongst the chaos?

-finding time for self-care?

-feeling guilty for not doing/being better or enough?

-being responsible for the energy and well-being of the entire household?


The list goes on! Trust me, I know. I have been there, and these are very real daily struggles for parents.


Let's work together to find your center, ground yourself, and learn effective strategies to care for yourself, your family, and all of the relationships in your life. Life is about balance, and everyone's needs are different. Uncover your needs, what works for you to meet them, and how to adjust your day-to-day lifestyle and interactions to foster a happier, healthier life for you and your family. Parenting is a beautifully challenging journey. You have the tools within you; let's dig together to find and fine-tune them. 

*Sessions include self-healing, re-parenting your inner child, behavioral strategies for parents and children, and conscious/positive/intentional parenting guidance. 

Caregiver Guidance & Support

Are you always giving to others while lacking in the self-care department?

Cliche warning: You can't pour from an empty cup.

But let's dig deeper. Why do you want to try?


Let's work on you, so you can get back to what you love: helping others.

Even better, let's work on you so that helping others becomes a symptom of giving love and not a need to feel loved by others.

Process that one for a minute. Even if it doesn't make sense right now, it will.


Let's get your nervous system regulated, coping skills in place, and energies balanced so that you can give your best to not only the rest of the world, but to number 1: you.

Pre Labor & Birth Guidance

Learn the physiology, psychology, and spirituality of pregnancy, labor, birth, and parenting from a psychology major, Occupational Therapist, autonomous birthing advocate, and mom who has been through a coerced cesarean section followed by a home birth.

*Support can be as needed (brief phone calls with questions as they arise) or extensive.

*Support can be scheduled sessions and/or on-demand as challenges arise.

Health & Wellness Classes/Workshops

I offer various health & wellness classes and workshops in the western suburbs of Chicago and online.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Somatic Series: Experiencing, Movement, & Breathwork

Meditation Series (all levels of experience welcome)

Healing Wounded Masculine & Feminine Energies (for both men and women)

360º of Healing: Uncovering & Changing Core Beliefs While Healing the Nervous System

Chakra Education & Balancing

Shadow & Mirror Work

Growing Through the Seasons



Stay tuned as I design programs for you to learn and grow independently or alongside an amazing support system...the choice is yours! 

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Content is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. No warranties or representations are provided.

© 2020 by                                                                       

Lauren P. Lyman, MS OTR/L, CPLC

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